07749 706127
About me, Jenny Gilmore
I have been training adults, children and young people full-time in the Lightning Process® since 2007. I have coached many 100s of people with ME/CFS and a range of other conditions with Lightning Process® and other techniques which utilise the mindbody link to create change.
I was in my late 20s looking forward to my future when my life and my plans came to an unexpected halt. I contracted glandular fever. For 14 years despite every effort I remained severely incapacited. I was diagnosed first with post viral fatigue syndrome then ME. .Life was very hard. I was on a extremely restrictive pacing regime. If I followed it I was able to keep my illness mostly stable. I was left confined to the house and bed most of the time. I walked with a stick and needed a wheelchair to go more than short distances.
Whilst ill I did my best to continue with a long term commitment to people helping people with chronic illhealth. (whom I had been working with since leaving university in the late 1980s). I advised where I could locally to help people with ME/CFS. I became a director of a local disability charity, and chaired the local ME support group helping post viral fatigue states, ME/CFS and fibromyalgia and their families across York and North Yorkshire.
In 2006/2007 I used the processes described on this website to rhelp me to return to a normal life. I do things now that I could only have dreamed of like hiking in the Yorkshire dales, walking from home into town, swimming, cycling and working full-time as a complementary health practitioner.

Jenny out and about Museum Gardens York


Jenny Gilmore BSc, NLP Coach DipNLPCoach, Advanced Lightning Process Practitioner,
Positive neuroplasticity training, Rick Hanson
Polyvagal Informed Therapist, training Deb Dana
IEMT training and Advanced certification
Picture Tapping Technique certification
EFT Levels 1 - 3, with Master Practitioner Gwyneth Moss
Building Your Future Practitioner Training (Phil Parker Training Institute)
NLP Coach (ICF certification, ITS Training - Ian McDermott and Jan Elfine/Pamela Ricarde)
Master Practtioner in NLP (ITS training, Ian McDermott, Robert Dilts, Suzi Smith, Tim Holbom)
Practitioner in NLP, ITS training Ian McDermott, Patricia Ridell
Introduction to Clean Language and Symobolic Modelling James Lawley (Northern College of NLP)
Certified Practitioner of Time Line Therapy (Kanoussi Training)
VCCT Level 3 Diploma in Health and Safety (York College)
UK Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistic Programming and Life Coaching (European College of Holistic Medicine, now Phil Parker Training Institute )
Practitioner in the Phil Parker Lightning Process® (European College of Holistic Medicine, now Phil Parker Training Institute )
VTCT Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology (York College)
Former Chair of York & District ME Support Group and Former Director of DIAC, a DIAL UK member organisation
Trained in Occupational Therapy, (College of Ripon and York St John, Now York St John University)
Bsc Biology, (University of London)

Me and Lightning Process®in the news
My Story, and my client stories in the news

Lightning fast results for york health coach
Jenny Gilmore using the using the mindbody link for rapid change
Jenny's Lightning Process Story
Using the mindbodybrain link for transformation in Yorkshire
Sheffield Telegraph>